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Sensors And Transducers By D. Patranabis 28.pdf: Learn the Principles and Applications of Sensing De


The words sensor and transducer are both commonly used in the context of measurement systems, and often in an interchangeable manner. Transducer is used more in the United States while sensor has greater popularity in Europe (Sutherland, 2004). The blurring of the lines between the exact meaning of sensors and transducers leads to a degree of confusion.

Sensors And Transducers By D. Patranabis 28.pdf

However, it is difficult to find consensus on the distinction between sensors and transducers. This problem is exacerbated when the sensor becomes more sophisticated. For example, chemical sensors can be transducers that have been modified to become a sensor e.g. through the use of a sensitive coating covering the sample interface of the transducer. It is clear that strict definitions will always be contentious and driven in part by philosophical differences between engineers and scientists. These differences only hold academic interest when it comes to application development. So while there may be differences in the definitions of sensors and transducers, this has little impact on the ability to utilize sensors in applications. Within this book we use the simple and broad definition that a sensor measures something of interest using a variety of mechanisms, and a transducer converts the output of the sensing processing into a measurable signal. Sensor application developers simply focus on delivering a sensor system that can measure a quantity of interest with the required accuracy. A sensor system usually consists of sensors, measuring and processing circuits, and an output system (Wang, et al., 2011). The key hardware components of a sensor system are described in Chapter 3. 2ff7e9595c

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